City Hotel In New York City |
- Hotel started in 1200 years ago.
- Concept of hotel started in Greece, ancient Rome in 6th century.
- In 6th and 7th century they provided service for visitors.
- In 1312 Paris started inns of self service styled.
- In 1650 Mr. Pascal opened coffee house in London & cafe in Paris.
- In 1788 the First European hotels built named Hotel de Henry with capacity of 60 rooms.
- In 1794 first building hotel in New York City was made named “city hotel”.
- Developed concept of family hotels in England and this called mom and pop.
- In 1829 first Star Level hotel made in Boston named Termand house. It is called Adam and eve of modern hotel industry.
- In 1839 railway hotel was made by London and Birmingham.
Buffalo Statler - In 1950, new concept as motels, boatels, and floatels, rotels.
- In 1960 many individual owners make themselves with large chain hotel such as Sheraton, Hilton, Hyatt, and holiday inn for franchising by paying a fee so that they can use the name, all kind of system.
- In 1970 the hotel industry experienced the start of construction boom, and since then the hotel industry is progressing day by day.
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